St Michael's Parish, bell Park. Incorporating the churches of Holy Family Bell Park, Ss Peter & Paul Geelong West and Holy Spirit Manifold Heights

Dear Parent,

“Congratulations and welcome to the family of God - the Church.”
This sentiment is at the heart of the baptism of your child.  In the celebration of Baptism, we use different symbols, prayers and readings to emphasise that your child is being welcomed and initiated into the Christian life.  As one writer said, Baptism is like the entrance gate or foundation of the Christian life.

Life’s a journey, so too the Christian life.  Presenting your child for Baptism, you are saying that you want your child to be part of the Christian journey which is to have the opportunity to know and love Jesus Christ, to follow His teachings and be part of the Church.  Committing to the Christian life is, at times, not easy, but we have Jesus’ word that it is well worthwhile.

To you and your family, the Parish Community says ‘Welcome!’


The Baptism Enquiry &  Booking:

This is simple and easy. All you need to do is contact the parish office on 52781343. Once you have called the necessary details for your child’s baptism will be taken and the three tier procedure for baptism in the parish will be outlined.

They are:

  • Baptism Preparation Meeting
  • Welcome Ceremony
  • The Baptism

The time and dates for each of the above will be organised with you over the phone.

Once you have booked the baptism a photo copy of your booking form will be sent to you to ensure that we have correctly recorded your details. Also a small package with other information will be sent to you.

Baptism Preparation Meeting:

Next, we invite you to a one-off Baptism Preparation Meeting. At this meeting, which is friendly and informal, our Baptism Presenter will outline the Baptism Ceremony and its meaning, as well as other related topics. These meetings are generally held every fourth Tuesday evening from 7.00pm - 8.15pm

Welcome Ceremony:

Currently, the Welcome Ceremony will form part of the Baptism Ceremony. You will be required to collect the stole and candle from the parish office prior to the Baptism day.

The Baptism:

The time and availability for each Church is outlined below:

  • Ss Peter & Paul’s: 12noon – Second Saturday of each month
  • Holy Spirit: 12noon - First and Third Sundays of each month
  • Holy Family: Designated Saturdays throughout the year

Normally, there will be other children being baptised with your child.  We have a limit of four children being baptised at once. 

N.B. There are no Baptisms in the month of January.

Some Commonly Asked Questions:

About Godparents
The role of the Godparent is to be a support person to the parents in helping them bring up the child in the Christian faith.

At least one of the Godparents must be Catholic and all the Godparents must be at least sixteen years of age.  In some cultures the custom is to have more than two Godparents.  If you wish to have more than two Godparents, you can do so.  Normally, there is a Godmother and Godfather, but it may be more appropriate in your situation to have two Godmothers or two Godfathers. If Godparents wish to attend the Preparation evening they are most welcome.

Your offering will assist with the costs involved in  Baptism Administration, Baptism Preparation Evening, Baptism certificate, stole and candle and most importantly the upkeep of the Church. The offering fee is $100.00 per family. Please make payment either by bank transfer; cash or a cheque payable to St Michael's Parish and payment is required prior to the Baptism Day.

If you live outside the Parish
Because Baptism is about belonging to a faith community, we request that your first consideration be to have your child baptised in the parish where you live. The people among whom your child will grow and attend school should be the ones to welcome your child into the Church. However, if you and your family has strong links to our Church, you are welcome to have your child baptised in this parish. As a matter of courtesy to your parish and  Parish Priest, please discuss your wishes with him and obtain a Letter of Permission for your child’s baptism in this parish.

Together we will make your child’s baptism a joy-filled experience as they begin their faith life’s journey.

Fr Minh Tran

We are delighted to be with parents in this stage of their child’s faith journey. To assist them, we have developed a program that will give insight into the challenge and privilege of being part of the worshipping church.

"Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the “Sacraments of Christian initiation,” whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. For by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptised] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.”…(Catechism of the Catholic Church n. 1285)

For more information on the RCIA Progam and becoming a Catholic, please contact Bernadette at the Parish Office on 5278 1343.