First Reconciliation Program
We welcome you and your child to the preparation to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Please note that your child must be baptised and in grade 3 or above before they can proceed to Reconciliation.
The First Reconciliation Program for 2024 has been completed. Please contact Bernadette at the parish office on 5278 1343 for more information or to enrol your child in the 2025 program which begins in February.
Reconciliation Times
First Rite Reconciliation (Confession)
On Fridays after the 9.15am Mass at Holy Spirit Church or after any other weekday Mass if requested and if the priest is available.
Second Rite Reconciliation
Prior to Christmas and Easter each of the three churches has a Second Rite Reconciliation service. Please refer to the Christmas and Easter timetables for times, dates and venues.