St Michael's Parish, bell Park. Incorporating the churches of Holy Family Bell Park, Ss Peter & Paul Geelong West and Holy Spirit Manifold Heights

First Eucharist Program

We welcome you and your child to the preparation to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time. Please note that your child must be baptised and completed the Sacrament of Reconciliation before they can proceed to First Eucharist.

  • It is the expectation of the Parish and your commitment in the faith development of your child, that families attend Sunday Mass. The program is structured that sacrament candidates are present at Mass each week.
  • The program sessions will held on Sunday mornings 8.45am – 10:00am.  8.45am-9.30am is group learning in the Parish Community Centre with our Sacramental Team Leaders. Candidates then join the latter part of Mass, sitting with their family to witness the Eucharist ceremony.
  • Attendance at all sessions is compulsory for candidates.  

The First Eucharist Program for 2024 has been completed.  Please contact Bernadette at the Parish Office on 5278 1343 for more information or to enrol your child in the 2025 program.