First Eucharist Program
We are delighted to be with parents in this stage of their child’s faith journey. To assist them, we have developed a program that will give insight into the challenge and privilege of being part of the worshipping church, particularly through receiving the Eucharist.
The focus of the program is threefold:
- Firstly we acknowledge and wish to honour the important role that parents have in helping nurture their child’s faith. To that end, there will be a number of sessions of input for you and your child.
- Secondly, Eucharist is about being part of the wider faith community. The celebration of Eucharist nourishes us in this endeavour. To that end, the expectation will be that you and your child will attend a number of Masses as part of the preparation process.
- Thirdly, in order that the children will feel comfortable with the ritual of the sacrament and their part in it, we have a full day session before the celebration of the sacrament to share knowledge and understanding of Eucharist and have a rehearsal of the celebration.
The First Eucharist Program for 2023 has been completed. Please contact Bernadette at the Parish Office on 5278 1343 for more information or to enrol your child in the 2024 program.